DJ application | Origin Nightclub
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Application Form

dj in front of smoke and laser lights an

DJs, and local residents:

We assess your music style and level of skill from the mixes you have uploaded to your soundcloud, spotify, or audio platform. Please note - Without a link to an online mix, we are unable to assess you music and mixing ability and unable to accept your application. The mix should be less than 1 year old.


Headliners, Producers, Agents and International acts:

If you are an agent working for a headliner, or you are applying yourself but are a well established act with a sizeable fan base, of course you don't need to provide online mixes, as your own productions, releases, and online reputation and social media presence should be able to speak for itself, even if we have not heard of you previously. Just include the usual links and we will be able to ascertain how well Origin is aligned to your vibe and your musical style. 

Origin DJ Application
DJ experiece level
What genres do you love most

Thanks for submitting!

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